
We are always looking for skilled and highly motivated insulators, boardmen, tapers and servicemen.

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    InsulationDrywallTapingMetal Framing


    Our tradesmen and tradeswomen belong to Local 675 and Local 1891. If you’re a highly skilled and motivated
    but don’t belong to one of these unions, Penco Drywall will be more than happy to assist you with the signup process.

    Our Commitment to Safety

    At Penco Drywall, our ultimate goal is a zero-incident jobsite. The safety of our employees and subcontractors is a top priority. How we ensure our health and safety stays current is by a strong relationship with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), staying on top of their latest legislation, continuing compliance with the Occupational Health & Safety Policy (OHSP) and partnerships with consulting firms.

    WSIB & ISCA Safety Groups

    Collaboration with the Interior Systems Contractors Association of Ontario (ISCA) have allowed us to benchmark and think ahead with other industry counterparts. Our continuing involvement with a WSIB safety group allows us to analyze and change the health and safety of Penco Drywall on a continuing basis.

    Penco Drywall Health and Safety Guarantee

    Developed to comply with the OHSP and molded to meet the unique needs of our internal operations, the Penco Drywall Health & Safety Policy proactively educates our workforce to ensure they are educated and protected on the job site.

    Contact us now for a free quote on your project